Thank you for the article. However, I think you should have compared Flutter/Dart rather than React vs native. Flutter allows you to create IOS/Android mobile apps, and in some limited fashion because they are in preview mode currently, MacOS, Linux, Windows applications and Web as well. I have two apps in the app store that are 100% the same base code for ios/android. I have a MacOS Application that I use to administer the apps backend database and preview how the changes will look in the app in real time. This application is waiting for plugin integration once Flutter Desktop reaches 1.0 status, but it is essentially a mobile app as well with mouse click integration already installed. The web, will be a scaled down version of the mobile app plus all the features needed from a website also waiting for 1.0 status and plugin support. Even with the last two in alpha/beta, I have some useful tools. Everything uses the same backend code. Best part is, Flutter is running at 60 FPS, compiles natively and gives you access to the all the device capabilities.. It will be the default programming base for upcoming Fuchsia OS as well. I switched to it and have been 100% more than satisfied. I was a pure IOS developer before this always keeping an eye out for a way to port to android. Oh, and quick reloads has cut so much time off my development. maybe 1–3 seconds and I am already seeing my changes just by hitting the r button. I found switching to dart from swift amazingly easy, pretty much developing immediately. Only downside I find, is that searching the web for support is much more limited than the older established languages, but it’s seeing improvement already.