Groans And Misdemeanors

Arghhhhuably some of the best worst jokes

Jody McAlister
5 min readJan 11, 2020
man covering face with one hand while slightly looking out with one eye between fingers.
Image/Craig Adderly/Pexels

Sometimes when I run into a motivational issue for starting or continuing a story, I try to get the past the block by searching for jokes that I had heard as a kid. My dad was a jokester and loved to tell us his favorite jokes when he would come home from work.

So now when the time permits, I try to find the jokes from my past, plus a few new ones here and there to share with those needing to see the lighter side of things. Enjoy!

This guy is walking past a wooden fence.

On the other side of the fence is an insane asylum. The inmates are all screaming at the tops of their lungs, “Thirteen! Thirteen! THIRTEEN!!”

The guy notices a small hole in the fence and his curiosity naturally gets the better of him. He takes a peek and a finger suddenly pops out and jabs him in the eye.

As one, the inmates start shouting, “Fourteen! Fourteen! FOURTEEN!!”

A piece of string walks into a bar and walks up to the counter.

The bartender says, “Sorry mate, we don’t serve pieces of string in here, get lost.”

Upset, the piece of string walks out the door. A sudden thought strikes him. He ties himself in a knot and messes his ends up.

