Discipline is gone in America.
A mother spanking the bottom of her misbehaving kid at a store is subject to derogatory comments from passerby’s and potentially having child protective services called on them.
I agree with not physically and mentally abusing children.
I disagree that a spanking is not effective.
I got caught playing with matches as a kid. Potentially I could have burned down something and killed a person. I was spanked and grounded.
Next time I thought about doing something I knew was bad, I remembered the spanking and always thought through my choices from that point.
My parents were not abusive, the punishment given was completely due to the severity of the problem. I got spanked two times as a kid and deserved both of them. First was playing with matches, second was disobeying my parents and doing something I was forewarned about. My action put myself in a position of potential harm. In fact, the structure I was playing on did fall apart while I was on it, but I escaped without injury.