Member-only story
A Few Things Medium Needs To Fix
Time for some updates
Account Creation for Illegal Activities
Search for ‘jokes 2019’ and you get a ton of illegal downloads for the recent Joker movie. Looks like somebody has figured out how to manipulate the system and there are so many of these I stopped counting. Fix: Make the first post by any new account be reviewed, not just reviewed, but quickly reviewed. A review will take a Medium representative all of 2 seconds to figure out it’s not an illegal post.
Specific Search Results
The above ‘jokes 2019’ should not have matched Joker. Yes the first 4 letters are the same, but I want to be able to search for a specific item without fuzzy logic giving me many close items. Fix: An option to specify exact matches on words.
Sort Search Results
I’d like to be able to change my results to newest to oldest for viewing. Fix: Add a sort to search.
Expand Search Results
Results when searching tags shows a few stories and then stops with out the ability to show more. I know there are more, because my stories didn’t show. As a paying member, I would like to be found by my tags. Fix: Combine the fixes above and allow us to keep adding more…